My Daily Routine

St. Paul tells us to "pray constantly."  That's a tall order.  A few years ago a priest pointed out to me that the first step down that road is to have scheduled times during the day to pray.  Since then, I've slowly developed the following routine.  I try to do each of these things, every day.  I keep track of whether or not I've done them.

Lectio Divina - (Divine reading) - I do this first thing each morning.  I'm currently on a slow walk through John's Gospel, about 6- 10 verses per day.  Committing to this every day has been life-changing - it focuses me on what God wants to teach me, rather than what I want to learn.

Imitation of Christ - right after Lectio, I read a chapter from this 500-year-old classic by Thomas a' Kempis. It is one thing to SAY that you have a "personal relationship with Jesus."  It is quite another to actually have one. This book shows the characteristics of those who are truly willing to follow Christ.

Litany of Humility - This prayer is huge.  If you are a prideful person, like I am, it is worth praying as many times as you can remember.  If you truly want to be a follower of Christ, just consider the items in this Litany -- they give the characteristics of humility that we are called to live.  I typically pray this sometime during the day, either at a lunch break or right before leaving work.

Rosary - I say one daily.  I'll alternate between the "regular" Dominican Rosary, and a Seven Sorrows Rosary that I found in my mother's personal effects after she passed away.  I'll often do this while driving to or from work.

Examination of Conscience - I just recently worked this into my routine, and it's been extremely beneficial.  That's probably why saint after saint after saint has testified to how important it really is.  Thre are many methods that folks use, I use the one at the link.  The process helps me look at my own actions, find God in my day, and in determining whether or not I am following Christ.  I do this in the evening before bed, but not while lying in bed.